Trigger problems in Cryptohopper

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By jeroen

or people who set multiple conditions in their triggers, the trigger may never do its job. I had determined this in my scalper account to trade with an uptrend. Cryptohopper is going to investigate the problem… will keep you updated

There is an UPDATE!

CH informed me by mail if you use a trigger with 2 values they have both to trigger at the same time so let us say you use a macd but you only want that it triggers above the ema 24 that does not work the ema 24 and macd have to cross at the same time

However, In my opinion…

there should be an option if 1 is still in the conditions and the second conditions are met, that the trigger is considered if it is still in the conditions…..waiting for their response…

In my opinion, this is a weakness in CH

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